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We have not touched diet changes yet.
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About two years ago, I was excited to learn about how parents and other caregivers have been successful helping their children live better lives through detox.
I knew that if we started detoxing, I would share our journey with the world, to help inspire and educate others.
So here we are still sharing our story. I hope you join us on this journey.
Join us on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
This is just one of many video we published documenting detoxing with TRS.
To see more, visit our YouTube Channel:
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I hope you are doing well. Today I wanted to tell you all that you need to know to feel comfortable getting started with detoxing with TRS, Advanced Toxin Removal Solution. I will do a simple overview of what TRS is, go over expectations you might have regarding improvements as well as temporary negative side-effects. We will talk about what you may want to have on hand just in case of negative side-effects. How many sprays you may start off with. Who may consider detoxing with TRS. And last but not least, how to save money when you purchase TRS.
Advanced TRS is a flavorless zeolite spray. The chemical composition of a zeolite enables zeolites to absorb anything with a positive charge. This includes heavy metals, pesticides, and carcinogens from smoke to name a few. Zeolites are found in nature and are also produced in laboratories. There are a few zeolite sprays available to choose from. The reason I choose TRS produced by Coseva is because it is made in a lab. These zeolites are made in a lab and are made to be nanosized, so that the zeolites are able to absorb toxins throughout the body, including going through the blood brain barrier. Also, being that the zeolites are made in a lab means that they are sterile, whereas naturally occurring zeolites may not be rid of contaminants.
When I first came across TRS, it was a popular topic among biomedical moms seeking to help their children on the autism spectrum. But come to find out, there are many TRS testimonials stating that detoxing with TRS has helped alleviate symptoms related to allergies, food sensitivities, asthma, anxiety, ADHD, learning disorders, sensory disorders, speech delay, tourette's syndrome, bipolar disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and other Autoimmune diseases, as well as relieving pain from past injuries. It is amazing to think that what stands between one person’s difficulties and that person’s well being is toxins. It makes sense when you think about it, what the body is capable of when toxins are taken out of the equation.
So, are you excited yet? Let’s talk about that. I have read and watched a lot of success stories of children who started eating new food, started talking, lost sensory issues. It’s easy to get wrapped up in all these amazing stories. So, I would like you to take a deep breath and repeat after me: “Everyone detoxes their own way, at their own pace”. For example, our son has been detoxing with TRS for almost two years now and he has made a lot of progress. He is overall happier with life, he loves interacting with the family and other children to the best of his abilities, his receptive language went from 3% to 80% and after six months of detoxing with TRS, and he started sleeping through the night. Hallelujah!!! However, after almost two years he is still struggling with speech. It’s just not that easy for him. He has good days with speech and not so great days. I would recommend keeping a journal and maybe stop every five weeks and really reflect on some gains. When my husband and I did this, I was surprised by how much shifted with Aiden that I didn’t really notice on a surface level. And if you don’t mind, reach out to us and share!! Or, even better - start a youtube channel like we did, so that more parents are able to see what is possible with detoxing. Nudge, Nudge. :D
Along with expecting gains with detoxing with TRS, you may also want to prepare for some temporary negative side effects. Some negative side effects that people have experienced are headaches, irritability, sleeplessness, and something that is called retracing. To explain headaches and irritability, before detoxing with TRS your body is at an equilibrium. This equilibrium may have included yeast overgrowth, (canadia) and parasites, but your body was still more or less stable. When you start any detox routine, your body is getting rid of toxins. Parasites and yeast thrive in a toxic environment. With detox, you are taking away their happy home and the result is called die-off symptoms. My personal detox mentors recommended good quality Vitamin C and Magnesium to counter these sort of negative side effects. I am also a big fan of Ashwagandha, and if you are detoxing with a child, a great product I found, Active Adrenal, has all three of these supplements. Also, Epsom Salt Baths are a good way to get magnesium into your body. And it is always a good idea to stay hydrated while detoxing!
Sleeplessness is usually an easy fix. Sleeplessness usually occurs when someone is spraying TRS at night. This doesn’t happen to everyone, but it is something to keep in mind if you do spray TRS at night and are not able to go to sleep easily.
Retracing is a very interesting phenomenon that occurs with most any detox protocol. Retracing is when your body rewinds and repairs previous injuries, allowing your body to achieve a greater state of well being. Sounds cool, right? So, if you got into a car accident, hurting your neck, you may feel a bit of pain in your neck. As, for my personal experience, retracing pains would last no longer than 5 minutes, would not be a dull pain, and then the pain would be gone. Also, some people bypass experiencing retracing all together.
Now that you have clear expectations for detoxing with TRS, let’s talk about how to get started. For adults it is recommended to take 1 spray a day for one week, 2 sprays a day for one week, and 5 sprays a day for the remainder of your detox. If you are helping a child detox, smaller doses are recommended. Any baby younger than 6 months, uses ½ spray a day (1 drop = ¼ spray). 6 months to a year, one spray a day, 1 year to 2 years 1+ sprays a day, and any child over 2 years 1-5 sprays a day.
Some things to note, zeolites are inert, so it is safe to take more sprays than recommended. The reason for going slow is in case of any negative side effects as discussed earlier. Some people take significantly more, some take less. For example, a lady who was hospitalized and her health was declining asked her body how many sprays she should take and she ended up taking 60+ sprays that day and felt better. Personally, I also listen to my body and take about 8 sprays a day. Our son, who is pre-verbal, opens his mouth until he is done, and usually it is over 10 sprays a day. It really depends on your comfort level, and adjust when needed. One bottle lasts a month for one person at 5 sprays a day.
So, now let’s talk about who might want to start detoxing with TRS. In my humble opinion, EVERYONE can benefit from detoxing with TRS. Unfortunately our society (I’m talking about here in the US and other similar counties) value the wrong things. Now our foods are mostly processed , and even our produce may not be safe with the amount of pesticides used. Pesticides have used heavy metals as well. I have read too many articles about how apple juice and rice have arsenic in them, and now baby food is known to contain heavy metal. I apologize if I got a little scary, but I think it’s important to recognize how heavy metals and toxins are disrupting our body’s natural ability to heal itself. The good news is that TRS has been the easiest way to detox that I have come across, and that is why I recommend it so passionately.
Since TRS is inert, it is surprising who is still able to benefit from this zeolite spray. Women who are pregnant or nursing, babies, pets, and people with amalgams or implants, etc. are able to safely detox with TRS.
TRS is safe to take with the majority of other medication. It is important to note that TRS has a half life of 6 hours, so if you are taking supplements/medications with heavy metals as the active ingredient such as lithium or chemo, it is a good idea to take TRS 6 hours before.
Along this detox journey I researched other supplements that have a positive charge such as magnesium and calcium. So, I have started detoxing with TRS in the morning and taking my multivitamins at night to help the nutrients be absorbed. Once the nutrients are absorbed, the zeolites in TRS will not ‘pull’ the magnesium or calcium or other positively charged nutrients away from the body, since TRS is inert.
Even though TRS is safe for nearly every situation, people who use a dialysis machine need to tell their healthcare provider about detoxing with zeolites since the zeolites may affect the membranes of a dialysis machine, and may require closer monitoring, to ensure it is filtering properly.
And last, but certainly not the least, let’s talk about purchasing TRS. I am known to be fairly frugal, and I understand when you click on the link to purchase 1 bottle of TRS you see $95, and you're like - NO WAY!! Well, I’m going to tell you how to buy it for significantly less. Stay with me….If you select autoship and purchase 3 bottles, it is $150, or $50 a bottle. And the great thing about autoship, is that you can move the next date for your order to be shipped, so you are able to purchase the three bottles and set the autoship to four months or more from now, and you are able to change the ship date at any point. And if you are like me, and become passionate about telling people about TRS, and find that you are selling the product and would like to receive commission for these sales, reach out to me and you may be able to receive a larger discount by becoming an Advanced TRS Distributor. (Coseva is a distributor sponsored direct selling company not an MLM)
That’s it! That’s the ultimate guide to starting TRS. We covered the basics of TRS, detoxing expectations, the importance of starting slowly, who can benefit from a TRS detox, and how to save money when you buy TRS. If you’re ready to reclaim your health TODAY, click here to get started.
*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
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Our detox journey began when I was looking for supplements to help our son, Aiden, find his voice. I came along a great book, Fight Autism & Win by Jan Martin, that had wonderful reviews on Amazon (no longer available on Amazon). I loved reading the success stories - and knew that we had to give it a try. I also joined a great Facebook group for parents interested in using Andy Cutler Chelation (ACC) Protocol with their children.
In the book Fight Autism & Win, they talked about hair tests to determine mercury toxicity. Even though hair tests are not required for ACC, it is a good way to determine if there is an issue with Mercury toxicity. Please read this next part carefully….
The ONLY test that is recognized by the Andy Cutler Chelation parent group is Doctor’s Data Toxic Essential Hair Elements Test. We did make the mistake and order a different hair test - and found out that the lab we used did not adjust for age or weight. ‘Doh! So if you really want to know and you like keeping your money - use the right test the first time!
Mercury, which is the cause of a lot of illnesses, is a sneaky little toxic element! Mercury hides in your organs, and therefore isn’t readily seen in any kind of toxic element test, unless there was current or ongoing exposure. But what mercury will do is derange the elements that are tested with the recommended hair test. Mercury also falsely elevates other metals. Dr. Andy Cutler provided counting rules to determine if there was mercury exposure.
It’s also important to note that blood tests and urine tests only determine ongoing exposure to mercury, since mercury hides in the body, deranges the elements, and falsely elevates other metals.
We did the test & got the test results electronically about 2 weeks later (although it seemed like forever!) And I posted it to the Andy Cutler Chelation parent group, where there are people experienced in interpreting these tests. A leading member in the group commented that the test almost met 1 counting rule, missing it by one point. This person went on to say that it was a toxic looking test with several metals in the yellow. Lead and Aluminum were also high.
Another interesting insight came up on this journey. And that was regarding a gene mutation called MTHFR. People with an MTHFR gene mutation do not process toxins as well as someone without the gene mutation. To determine if you have an MTHFR gene mutation, use DNA testing. When we got our test results back, we checked our raw data and concluded that Everyone in our home had an MTHFR gene mutation.
Honestly, without even doing the test we would have tried Andy Cutler Chelation. The test was just our physical proof that toxins were impacting our son’s health.
We have yet to take a second test because we still feel like there is work to be done as far as detoxing. And, it just isn’t a great idea to get a hair test down while detoxing, because heavy metals are still being moved around, and may show excretion of metals (higher levels of heavy metals). If you are following the Andy Cutler Chelation Protocol, it is advisable to wait after you have completed 6 months of rounds with no negative side effects or gains to consider the ACC protocol complete.
I hope this article helps you in your detox journey! We talked about how we came across Doctor’s Data Toxic Essential Hair Elements Test - and why it’s the only test to help indicate mercury toxicity, and how an MTHFR gene mutation may play a part in a toxic burdened body, as well as how to determine if you have an MTHFR gene mutation.
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